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Death of A Saint

someone putting rose on coffin
Dear God: Lord, we’ve experienced a great loss in our church. Dan was such a superb leader, and he served our congregation so effectively. But thank you for allowing him to rest. There are times when the death of a saint reveals to us your loving heart.

His passing was expected, but still a sore blow to our church family. And yet, as we think about how his ailments were so debilitating, so painful for him to endure, we’re glad that he can now rest in the arms of Jesus. Dan’s wife told me the other day how his shingles were simply agony for him; she’s relieved that he is now at peace and waiting for the call of the Life-giver on resurrection morning.

His life and now his departure have given us a renewed desire for heaven and a fresh confidence that the Bible’s promises about eternal life are wonderfully real. Father, when it comes my own time to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, please help me to do it with as much confidence and cheerful serenity as Dan showed us. Be with his beloved wife, and please come soon and reunite all of us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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David B. Smith writes from Southern California.

The post Death of A Saint appeared first on Answers for Me.


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